Learning Agreement

Mossbourne Sixth Form Thurrock will provide:

  • Initial and continuing guidance about subject courses to ensure they students’ needs are met.
  • The opportunity to experience an excellent standard of teaching.
  • Appropriate marking of coursework and homework to ensure students receive regular feedback.
  • Regular reports and assessments of progress to ensure students are supported in achieving their targets.
  • Regular opportunities to discuss progress with teaching staff.
  • Facilities and resources for study and the development of lifelong learning skills.
  • A tutor programme that broadens academic, social and cultural horizons.
  • An on-going system of pastoral care.
  • Careers advice and guidance to support students in planning for their next steps.
  • Targeted support for students undertaking specialist courses e.g. medicine.
  • Targeted support for students applying to Oxbridge.
  • An opportunity for students to undertake a work experience placement.

The Student Learning Agreement includes the following conditions of acceptance which all students must agree to abide by:

  • The Sixth Form Curriculum consists of the examination of courses chosen by students together independent study and Form Time. Attendance to all sessions is compulsory.
  • Students must be on site from 8.15am on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. On a Wednesday, students must be on site from 8.45am. Failure to do so, will result in a 30-minute detention in the theatre at 3.00pm.
  • Students must remain on site until at least 1.10pm or until 3.00pm if they have a period 5 lesson.
  • Students are permitted to leave site during food breaks 1 and 2 as long as they return punctually.
  • Students must be punctual to all sessions and ensure they arrive before the second bell.
  • Students must meet all deadlines set for homework and coursework.
  • Students must use their ID cards to register their entrance and exit, to and from the site.
  • Students must wear their ID lanyard and carry their ID card at all times.
  • Students and their parents/carers must follow the Gable Hall Attendance Procedures when reporting absence for illness, providing appointment notification or making holiday requests.
  • Students should avoid excessive hours of part-time work each week, as this will adversely impact examination results and progress towards their targets. Part-time work or driving lessons are not permitted to take place during the school day.
  • Students must show respect for others and both the main school and Sixth Form environments, complying with the rules of the school site at all times and without question.
  • Students are responsible for any damage that they may cause to both school or Sixth Form property, this includes text books, school equipment and apparatus supplied to them on loan.
  • Students are not permitted to smoke or vape on any part of the school or Sixth Form premises, or in the immediate vicinity.
  • Students are not permitted to have alcohol or drugs on the premises and no student should attend under their influence.
  • Students should refer to their Form Tutor or the Sixth Form Leadership Team if problems arise, which impact their wellbeing or their studies.
  • Students must follow the Sixth Form Dress Code which requires students to dress formally and in line with the guidance here. Any student in breach of the dress code can expect to be sent home to change.
  • Students should embrace their vital role in providing leadership and role models for younger students, both in their conduct and attitudes, as well as in their dress and appearance.
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